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REIWA Market Snapshot

2. March 2016 05:53  /  swanvalleyrealtyblog Comments (0)

Perth Market Snapshot for the week ending 1 March


This week overall reported sales in Perth lifted four per cent to record 703 sales, from 678 sales last week.

This lift can be attributed to increases in unit and land sales by 19 per cent and 22 per cent respectively. House sales volumes declined two per cent.

The total number of properties listed for sale in the Perth metro area decreased by one per cent over the week, dropping to 15,170 from 15,375.

This figure is three per cent higher than four weeks ago and 13 per cent higher than the same time last year.

In Perth’s rental market REIWA members reported that the total number of properties available for rent remained stable over the week at 9,779, producing an unchanged level in percentage terms.

This is three per cent lower than four weeks ago but 56 per cent higher than the same time last year

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