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More roadworks/services needed to cater for the growing Ellenbrook area.

19. September 2014 12:20  /  swanvalleyrealtyblog Comments (0)

It’s great that Ellenbrook is growing and thriving but with growth comes some issues with traffic congestion and the need for more infrastructure and services. So i’ts good to know that the following will be occuring soon.

Gnangara Rd is closer to becoming a dual roadway. Now that the excision of 19.8ha of state forest has passed both houses of Parliament all that is needed is a notice to be published in the Government Gazzette and then the works can start. The road will become a dual roadway between Drumpellier Dr and Alexander Dr. It is expected the construction will commence this year and be completed in 2016.
Anybody who has driven down Main Street outside of Ellenbrook Secondary College during school starting and closing times will be aware of the hazard it has been posing to students. After a spate of near misses and a low speed collision between a student and a a car earlier this year, the school is set to get flashing LED school zone signs and an application is in the pipeline for two manned school crossings. Hopefully this will reduce the risk of a more serious accident.