The barking dog debate.
24. October 2014 15:20
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An Ellenbrook woman received a death threat in her letter box from a neighbour claiming they would ‘take matters into their own hands’ if her dogs did not stop their continuous barking. The neighbour was caught on camera delivering the note which threatened to kill the dogs if they didn’t stop barking.
The contents of the note was reported to Ellenbrook police. The woman caught on camera was then cautioned by police. The note writer claims the dog owner had taken no notice of written warnings from the City of Swan. The dog owner has stated she did not receive the warnings and that her dogs are good dogs.
City procedures for neighbours to deal with dog complaints can be lengthy. An information pack is provided to the complainant, who can then tick boxes to describe the time and length of the nuisance, after which a letter is sent to the dog owner. If the problem persists, complainants can maintain a logbook, which the City can use to act. The RSPCA encouraged owners to seek training courses if their dog’s barking had become an issue.
Source; Ellenbrook Advocate Sept 24th 2014