16. April 2015 16:33
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Our aim is to assist with the development of an arts based culture and help sustain a healthy and cohesive community by delivering quality, engaging arts experiences across a range of art forms to the local Ellenbrook community, the Swan Valley region and the greater cultural sector within Western Australia.
Ellenbrook Arts, formerly the Ellenbrook Cultural Foundation, was established in 2002, as a community based, not for profit association with tax deductible status. We are managed by the Ellenbrook Arts Board; we employ two staff members, occasional art project staff and work with a group of dedicated volunteers.
We operate two facilities to assist us in our vision: The Gallery – 34 Main Street in Ellenbrook town centre; and the Grapevine Community Arts Space in Charlotte’s Vineyard, Ellenbrook.
At present Ellenbrook Arts are assisting Toy Soldier Children’s Theatre to present thier performance of “The Happy Prince”. See below for details of this play.

A cheeky, lively Swallow on her way to Egypt meets the statue of a Prince. The Prince is decorated in gold and jewels, but tears are falling from his sapphire eyes – he can see all the misery in his city and can do nothing to help. Based on Oscar Wilde’s much loved children’s tale this performance will keep you captivated up until the last minute.
Wanting to experience some magic? Forget Harry Potter, think instead ‘The Happy Prince’.
Suitable for children 4-9yrs and anyone who wishes they could fly.
The Grapevine
1 Arrowsmith Ave
Perth, WA 6069
Contact Details:
Courtney Turner