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Northlink WA

7. November 2014 15:35  /  swanvalleyrealtyblog Comments (0)

Northlink WA, also known as the Perth Darwin National Highway is on track with its planning. The project development phase of the $1.12 billion highway is expected to be finished in August 2015, highway construction is expected to start in late 2016 and be finished in 2019.

Although some parts of the highway will come as close to 20-30m to some Ellenbrook homes this has been stated as being similar to many other highways around Perth and noise monitoring has started at some sites.

A spokeswoman for Main Roads said noise modelling was required but could not be finalised with certainty until the final road geometry was completed. Future noise modelling may indicate that noise attenuation is required to ensure compliance with the noise level limits of the Western Australian Planning Commission road and rail noise policy. (State Planning Police 5.4)

Source: Echo Newspaper Nov 1, 2014